Grand Aquarium

Grand Aquarium

Peer into the watery depths at this entertaining aquarium that takes you on underwater excursions and lets you get close to marine creatures.

Meet a marvelous group of marine animals in the Grand Aquarium of Saint-Malo. Over 600 species live in this engaging family attraction. Spot seahorses hiding in the kelp and giant Japanese crabs scuttling across the seabed. Board an underwater vessel and travel beneath the water for close encounters with all of these weird and wonderful creatures for an exhilarating day out in Saint-Malo.

Explore different marine climates in eight rooms housing a variety of fish. The Atlantic Room hosts eels, bonefish and coquettes, unusual creatures who change sex over the course of their lives. Marvel at octopuses in the Mediterranean Room and watch colorful fish dart between coral reefs in the Tropical Room.

The Touch Basin allows you to touch some of the creatures that live in the aquarium, including rays, shellfish and crustaceans. Stand in awe of the Ring of the Seas, the home of sharks and loggerhead turtles. In another room, spot rays and eels drifting in and out of the beams of a shipwreck.

Climb aboard the Nautibus, an underwater exploration vessel that takes visitors beneath the sea’s surface. The submersible floats through the sea, taking passengers close to fish and leading them through a sunken city. Hold on as the Nautibus mimics the feeling of turbulence to make the ride even more thrilling.

Step into the Abyssal Descender, a simulator that takes you on a virtual journey into the greatest depths of the ocean. Come face-to-face with underwater creatures as the room shakes and the glass appears to break. Look out the “windows” to see some of the strangest fish from the deepest parts of the ocean.

Buses run from the train station in Saint-Malo to outside the Grand Aquarium. Car parking is available for anyone driving here. The attraction is open daily throughout the year. Tickets include access to both the Nautibus and the Abyssal Descender. Allow several hours to properly explore the numerous rooms and rides in this fun-filled aquarium.

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