Painted Wall
Visit Painted Wall
Popular places to visit

Warner Point Nature Trail
Appreciate the range of vegetation of the Black Canyon region on this short, easy trail perfect for hiking, walking and bird-watching.

Cedar Point Nature Trail
Overlooking the river and scenic Painted Wall, this trail is a wonderful spot to study the birds and diverse plants of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.

Chasm View Nature Trail
These observation decks provide unforgettable views of rugged cliffs across the peak of one of the valley’s narrowest and deepest canyons.

Pulpit Rock Overlook
This quick, easy hike to a rocky protrusion is a must for visitors to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.

South Rim Visitor Center
Start your visit here when you arrive at this imposing national park in southern Colorado, home to 2 million years of geologic wonder.

Gunnison Point
Mesmerizing lines of sparkling color grace the rock face of the mountains opposite this major viewing point just behind the visitor center.