East Park

East Park showing outdoor art

Spend a day in one of the city's most popular parks, where you can pet animals in a zoo, see stars in a planetarium, boat across a lake and stroll among tropical vegetation.

Experience hours of outdoor fun and relaxation at East Park. The large urban escape covers approximately 200 acres (80 hectares) and features lakes, gardens, an aviary, planetarium and zoo. See exotic animals, paddle across the water, study the stars and picnic on the lawns. 

East Park is also known as Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Park in honour of the 19th-century revolutionary and former president of the country.

The park is a popular spot for walkers and joggers. Take one of the trails around the lakes or through the forested areas, and stop to appreciate the tropical vegetation. If you plan to go running, do as the locals do and avoid high temperatures by exercising during the coolest parts of the day.

Rent a pedal boat for a trip across one of the bodies of water. Look out for the ducks and wading birds that make the lakes their home. Saunter through the gardens and admire their floral arrangements, tiled murals and water features. 

Treat the children to the small zoo to see alligators, crocodiles, otters and monkeys. Pet boas and other snakes at the terrarium.

Join in or watch the locals compete in a game of soccer or basketball at one of the courts dotted around the large park. Purchase snacks from vendors and enjoy a picnic in the scenic environs. Once you have explored the park, learn about the Universe at the Humboldt Planetarium. 

East Park opens daily from morning until early evening, apart from Mondays when it is only open for a few hours from dawn. Admission is free, although some attractions charge entry.

East Park is situated approximately 5 miles (8 kilometres) east of the centre of Caracas. Take the metro to the Los Dos Caminos Station at the northeastern entrance of the park. The Caracas Transport Museum and the Centro de Arte La Estancia are also close by.

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