Tanah Rata Travel Guide

Tourist Guide
Cameron Highlands
Cameron Highlands showing a house
Cameron Highlands showing mist or fog, mountains and landscape views
Cameron Highlands featuring a house and a small town or village
Cameron Highlands showing a house

Popular places to visit

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Reviews of Tanah Rata

Guest rating
5 - Excellent
" "5 - Excellent 43%
4 - Good
" "4 - Good 14%
3 - Okay
" "3 - Okay 29%
2 - Disappointing
" "2 - Disappointing 0%
1 - Terrible
" "1 - Terrible 14%

1/5 - Terrible

Verified traveller

While the nature is stupendous the area feels like a theme park turned bad. Excessive, inappropriate development is ruining a stunning location. Locals have a right to earn a living, but the inescapable squalor of rubbish EVERYWHERE is depressing.

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