Vasterbotten County Travel Guide
Popular cities in Vasterbotten County
Known for Universities, Festivals and Sports
With cold, snowy winters; bright, long summer days; and big investments in culture and entertainment, Umeå attracts tourists from all over Sweden. Welcome to the City of Birches!
Known for Recreation, Culture and Churches
This town between the forest and the sea is situated close to the mouth of Skellefte River in the Bothnian Sea. The banks of the river offer beautiful walks and timbered dwellings in the old church village.
Known for Golf and Museums
Trip time! Discover the golf and museums in Holmsund.
Known for Zoo, Forests and Golf
Lycksele in northern Sweden offers activities suitable for all the family and is perfect for those who want to explore Swedish Lapland.
Known for Skiing, Natural parks and Monuments
Escape to Tarnaby! Enjoy its skiing, parks and monuments.
Known for Shopping and Museums
Vilhelmina has something for everyone. Experience magnificent scenery, fascinating museums and lots of outdoor activities in summer and winter.
Cities in Vasterbotten County

With cold, snowy winters; bright, long summer days; and big investments in culture and entertainment, Umeå attracts tourists from all over Sweden. Welcome to the City of Birches!
AdakAmmarnäsAnsmarkBarseleBastutraskBjurholmBjörkseleBlattnickseleBlåviksjönBolidenBorgafjallBotsmarkBullmarkBureåBurträskBygdeaBygdsiljumByskeBäcknäsetCentrala StanDikanäsDoroteaErsmarkFatmomakkeFredrikaFällforsGargnäsGranöGräsmyrGumhamnGunnarnHallnasHemavanHolmstrandHolmsundHolmönHornmyrHällaströmHåknäsHöglandHörneforsJornKalvträskKattisavanKittelfjallKlimpfjällKristinebergKusmarkKågeLajksjöbergLavsjönLyckseleLångbäckenLögdeåLövångerMalgomajMalåMarsfjällNordmalingNorra HedensbynNorrbynNorrforsNorsjoNyakerObbolaRentjärnRisbäckRobertsforsRundvikRuskseleRöbäckRökåSaxnasSikeåSkellefteaSlussforsSorseleStorselebyStorumanSävarTarnabyTavelsjöTennsjöTvaralundTäfteåUmeaUmnäsUrsvikenVannasVilhelminaVindelgranseleVindelnVännäsbyÅmlidenÅmseleÅnäsetÅseleÖrträskÖrvikenÖsterjörn